官方實況 Beyond 第一章 內容介紹 懶人包

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  • CMDR終會爆船,或重於Ana,或輕於Sidy
7 年 5 天 ago - 6 年 11 個月 ago #13 來自 y1n4
感謝discord及貼吧成員『混乱邪恶 dfgqsb』提供英文實況內容~


1. Attach Crimes to ships, not the CMDR, it gives the criminal "flexibility"
Modules are also hot, cannot put hot modules into a clean ship, clean into a hot ship makes the module hot.
賞金bounty只有2種狀態,要嘛就是有要嘛就是沒有,沒什麼休眠賞金dormant bounty。

2. Penalty to wanted ships, docking as wanted will connect you as an anon-protocols, which means security won't know you, but the services are lessened.
犯罪之後在1號面板的navigation會顯示通緝你的太空站勢力。並且在那些太空站因為你犯下罪行而通過Anonymous Protocol對你進行某些功能的限制。

3. Different types of crime. More things are locked with Murder, etc.

4. "You can be a villian in one place, but a hero in another"

5. Fines don't become bounties.
-Bounties are never going to become Dormant.
You can get rid of bounties by interstellar factors at a increased cost
在interstellar factor可以以較高的金額消除懸賞。

6. "Law ETA in x seconds" when bounty was gained

7. Fraction Rebuy cost of ship is added onto bounty
Fraction of Victims rebuy cost is added to bounty
Victim of Murder Hobos will have rebuy lessened by how much Murder pays

8. New Stack on Notoriety. Modifies of your rebuy cost as your notoriety increases.
Notoriety goes down as your ship is destroyed, this is the only way it goes down.

9. Shows starports and areas as wanted in navigation

10. Shows Anonymous-access

11. Introducing Superpower Bounties, ie Empire Bounties, you need to trigger by a lot of bounty threshhold
"Murder of Security service gave an 86,000 bounty"

12. ATR's or "Void Runners" , "Blue eppelets", etc, are heavily armed and engineered assault ships that will basically make everyone leave and die. Not unavailable, but really hard to kill. (ED was killed in a FDL within seconds)
根據犯罪者的罪行會出現ATR(Advanced Tactical Responder)、Void Runner或者Blue Eppelets等重武裝魔改NPC。

13. Sorta Hidden on the starport screen - Remote Workshop for Engineers

14. How you respawn, "Detention Centers"
You will be re-spawned at the nearest Detention Center, you have to pay for your fines and bounties.
If you become hostile on the landing pad, you will be ported to the nearest detention center.
Detention centers are always within close starports.
犯下罪行並且被打爆之後,會在最靠近名為detention center(拘留所?)的空間站(船)出生,不能換船。如果在一般空間站被檢測出為通緝狀態,也會被引渡到拘留所。

15. "Looking into Criminality" as a viable path.

16. Galnet Audio and Galnet Symbol on the Right Screen, - Showed when showing where noteriety was

17. Combat logging is an entirely separate issue


18. Each CMDR can choose a different reward when they complete the mission.

19. Wing Commander has a special tab to view Progress and assigned CMDRS

20. You can apparently do multiple runs for a mission. So if one requires 500 units you can do two runs of 250 units and it would work, each cmdr can take x amount for the run.
You can see how much everyone is taking live.

21. There are massacre missions, massacre conflict, assassination, cargo, basic missions that can be done together.

22. You can take Wing Missions as a Single Player.

23. Each person can accept a wing mission, so a wing of 4 can have up to 4 missions.

24. At a certain threshold, you can accept a "Partial Accept".
在到達一定的數量(比如任務要求的50%),可以點擊“Partial Accept”來只部分完成wing任務,根據完成數量得到特定金額

25. 如果小隊成員從任務地點拿取了東西卻沒有提交到目的地,那麼它就會被處以拿取貨品總金額的罰款。

26. "Keep in mind this is a hot build, the beta will change all sorts of numbers"

27. 顺便chieftain挂点确定,2大,1中,3小

Last edit: 6 年 11 個月 ago by y1n4.

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